Day #69 - Encore la Même Chose Messieurs ?

They say you can have too much of a good thing. Wrong!! So, to find out what we did for the first part of today, go back and read the first half or so of Day #68 and Day #67 'cause basically we did more food, more pooltime, more swimming, more drinking! When you're in a location such as this, it would be rude not to!

Have I mentioned how friendly and helpful the staff are? They are amazing. James is thoroughly enjoying chatting to the staff in French (while I look on nodding and laughing in what I feel like are the appropriate places!) And since most guests stay one or two nights here and we are staying for six, we are getting to know the staff and they definitely know us. I suspect we're known as Mr Long Island and Mr Cole Zero!😂

While we lounged by the pool and swam in the waters, a wedding party emerged onto the beach and the bride was whisked away in a lovely boat. Most people that stay here are honeymooners or here for their wedding, although there have been two or three solo travellers staying - maybe travel journalists or agents.

Also, I managed to attract a swimming buddy. Maybe I just continue to broadcast teacher vibes, but I do seem to attract young children! This little girl and I couldn't communicate with each other since we didn't speak each other's respective language. Nonetheless we had a good game of "Follow" (I swam, she followed along the pool's edge and "Splash Spencer" - title is self explanatory! 

James had booked an incredible romantic sunset boat cruise and dinner for us for the evening. Sadly, the wind picked up meaning the trip had to be cancelled. It's the thought that counts and we made up for it by another romantic and special meal in the hotel restaurant. 

This time we both went for something new. Starters were Quinoa and chickpeas cromesquis for me and Cannelloni de bœuf for James. The cannelloni was interesting since the beef (lightly seared) was used as the wrapping rather than pasta. It was both interesting and delicious. For my main I opted for  the Catch of the Day (shrimp in a Ight coconut and curry sauce) while James went for the Meat of the Day which was a beautifully prepared leg of lamb, complete with mash. We shared the restaurant's spectacular signature dessert, Le Bora Bora - passion fruit and lime cheesecake with sponge biscuit, exotic sorbet rolled in crumble crust, almond croquant. As delicious as it sounds. 

We retired to our bungalow feeling very stuffed and very satisfied we realised that back home (and elsewhere) the Christmas season is beginning to be unwrapped. We haven't felt Christmassy at all not surprisingly and so we tried to get into the holiday spirit by watching a Netflix festive film. The streaming giant is getting a reputation for churning out crass Hallmark style festive films. Cheesy, predictable but we love them! Tonight's offering was "Best. Christmas. Ever!" No Oscar's in its future but it sent us off to sleep nicely.
