Day #146 - All Good Things Come to an End

So here we are! Our last full day of adventure! Tomorrow we fly home but before that, we have a chance to create a few more memories, especially given that today is Valentine's Day!
For the most part of today, we stayed at the hotel - enjoying the room, watching some Netflix (yes, still aiming to finish True Blood) and swimming. 
We had something special booked for 6pm and so we hung out until about half four which is when we headed out. 
We were going back to the bay and the Marina Bay Sands Hotel. We had tickets for the observation deck for sunset (yes, we can do romance!).
We walked through the shopping centre again and this time we were on the hunt for food! As I mentioned before, there a a lot of eateries here and so we were spilt for choice. However, being Valentine's Day everywhere was busy with queues out the door and while a posh dinner might be the traditional thing to do on this day, we are too practically minded to worry too much about these things. So we headed to the huge food court to see what offerings we could find from the multitude of cuisines on offer. 
We opted for a curry dish - butter chicken and tandoori chicken. As you can see, presentation was everything! It was delicious though. 
After dinner it was time to head to the observation deck. We had to enter through the hotel and then head to a basement area to check in before catching the elevator up to the observation deck on the 56th floor. Just before catching the elevator, they took our (green screen) photo so we would have the obligatory souvenir photo. The results is the first image of this post.
Stepping out on the deck was a magical moment. Not only because of the amazing view or the fact we were atop an incredible building, but because this moment represented so much to us as we always knew our journey would end here. We vowed to come here after watching series 1 of Race Across the World which had its finishing line here on the observation deck. So we found the spot where the contestants finished for our selfie! 
You may recall we visited the starting point of Series 3 on Day #30.
We had incredible views across the bay on one side and over the gardens on the other. 
After finding a spot to sit and wait for sunset (and a glass of wine) we got chatting to a mother and daughter from South Carolina who were on a gap year adventure together. Audrey and Emma shared our love of travel and we spoke of how enriching it is along with tales of each other's adventures!
Sadly the sunset was a bit of a damp squib, but the evening view of the gardens was delightful especially when the light show started. 
After the show, it was time to head back down and head home - not before pointing Emma and Audrey in the direction of the Food Court since they were looking for someone good, but cheap to eat. 
As we left the shopping mall and walked along the edge of the bay, crowds were gathering which reminded us there was one more thing to do. 
Twice each night there is a free light and water show and so it would be rude not to stay a bit longer and enjoy it. I love these shows, so I recorded all 15 minutes of it for your enjoyment!

Thank you Singapore - you've been amazing. 
