Day #28 - Back to the 80's!

We started the day with a hearty breakfast and eager to get going, today was a day I'd been looking forward to since booking this trip. The drive from Portland started quite foggy, but it lifted as we got closer to the coast.

Today's destination - Astoria. Where many of my favourite films were made. Goonies, Short Circuit, Kindergarten Cop, Free Willy and many more. As we drove through the town it immediately felt like being in a movie, with all the beautiful coloured timber houses, lovely high street and general atmosphere.

Our first stop was the County Jail, or now repurposed as the Oregan Film Museum. It was used for the opening scenes for the Goonies, where the Fratellis break out and the chase begins. I can hear the music now just thinking about it. I must have watched the film 50 times! 

Next door was a beautiful victorian building called Flavel House, also used in Goonies. We had had a tour and learned the history of Astoria and the man who built it Captain George Flavel. The beautiful house dated back to 1885, and was furnished in that period. If it was in England, to us brits, we would consider it to be quite a young building, but here they consider it to be a very old historical monument. 

We found a lovely restaurant in the town. After quite a lot of fast food on this leg of the trip we wanted something a bit more substantial. This was sublime. I had blackened steak tips, with garlic mash, brocoli, caramelised onions and a blue cheese sause, Spencer had crispy chicken salad. So delicious. 

After that we went to the bit I was most eager to see, the Goonies house. We couldn't drive up to it, but we were able to walk up to it. It was exactly how I remembered it in the movie. The owner bought the house for 1.65m dollars. Purely because of its association with the film. There were a few other people there also doing their Goonies pilgrimage. From outside the house we could hear a lot of noise from the harbour. So went down to investigate. Hundreds of sea lions were lying along the abandoned jetties, barking growling and grunting, making quite a racket.

We drove up to see Astoria from the highest point, the Astoria column. The climb to the top of the column is 195 steps. Which isn't too high, but when I stepped out onto the ledge my vertigo hit me and my legs buckled. So I clung to the wall whilst Spencer took photos. Of what I saw, there were very impressive views for miles around.

Our next stop was to find our apartment I booked. It was a 20 minute drive to the coast. I booked it because the beach looked lovely and we wouldn't get another chance to see the coast in Oregon. We found ourselves in a place called Seaside. Long beaches and sand dunes lined the front, with beautiful timber homes set back from the front. The town centre had a strange almost English sea front town feel mixed with a 1930s movie set look. We found a lovely restaurant where I tried clam chowder. I don't eat sea food ever. But it came with my fish and chips so I gave it a go. I was very pleasantly surprised how tasty and non fishy it was. Quite simply delicious.

As the sun set we walked along the promenade and beach, the colours were amazing. A lady on the beach was making the most impressive giant bubbles. It was such a beautiful day. 
